
Acupuncture induces a strong anti-inflammatory response in the body and increases blood flow to compromised tissues, muscles, joints and organs. Studies show that the body also releases endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine in response to acupuncture treatments.

Tuina or Cupping

Choose a tuina or cupping session to relieve pain or promote health. Acupuncture may be included as needed.

Jim Fitzpatrick has been a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner since 2002. He holds an undergrad degree Georgetown Universityin Philosophy, a Masters from Trinity College in Teaching and received his Masters of TCM from Mercy College in 2002.

Previously Jim was Clinic Director at the University of Bridgeport from 2005-2015. Since 2015, Jim has been a clinical practitioner with MDs, NDs, PhDs and other Healthcare professionals in CT and NY.

Jim strives to expand his skills and knowledge to advance his application of the most effective acupuncture and Chinese Medicine techniques and protocols to help his patients regain and maintain their health and well-being.

He considers acupuncture to be a combination of art and science, and engages in the ‘TCM’ philosophy that acupuncture used with herbal, dietary, meditation and lifestyle practices can be incredibly beneficial.

Jim is dedicated to being a passionate, creative and effective practitioner and is excited to work along side the West Hartford associates. When not in the office spreading health and TCM, Jim can be found enjoying his son’s baseball games.

Jim Fitzpatrick has been a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner since 2002. He holds an und... Read More

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